Sustain­ability at JEAN MÜLLER

26. February 2024

Sustain­ability is being discussed more and more. CO2 foot­print, due dili­gence in the supply chain and resource effi­ciency are just some of the buzz­words that are also becoming increas­ingly impor­tant for JEAN MÜLLER. We have there­fore recently appointed a sustain­ability manager who will focus on these impor­tant issues for JEAN MÜLLER. 

In line with our under­standing of respon­sible busi­ness, as described in our Code of Conduct published in November 2023, there is no alter­na­tive to addressing sustain­ability issues. Both from the perspec­tive of ecolog­ical and social respon­si­bility, which we want to take as part of our activ­i­ties, as well as from an economic perspec­tive. Because only those who act sustain­ably can remain compet­i­tive in the future.

If you have any ques­tions about sustain­ability at JEAN MÜLLER, please contact us at